AFTAC Alumni Association Privacy Policy

The Association requires you to enter detailed contact information and AFTAC assignment/association data when you create an account to log into the site and access site content. Your contact information is controlled by the Association Officers (elected and appointed) identified on the site (see Association/Association Officers page).

The Association uses this information to approve site access for your account, process your membership application, provide you information using electronic alert email messages, contact you about dues or other fees you have agreed to pay, provide general membership information and event notifications, address Sage Shop product mailings, and to provide Friend Search contact information as detailed below.

Site Access/Membership Application Process:

  1. Site access as a Visitor is granted after you have completed the registration process and verified your email address with the site.
  2. Account Registration Information is reviewed to ensure you have provided the correct information and ensure there is a valid association of the user with AFTAC. The Assignment information you enter is specifically used to validate your association with AFTAC. In cases where the current Association Officers cannot personally verify your association, they will reach out to specific members for assistance using your name and assignment data.
  3. When a user's association with AFTAC cannot be verified in a reasonable time, the user's account will be locked until the verification can be successfully completed.
  4. Membership applications require Visitor access (Contact Information and Assignment data entered) to create. Membership access is granted to approved Visitors after receiving both Membership Application and the appropriate dues payment.

Friend Search Contact Information:

  1. Our Friend Search capability is restricted to current members that are either Life-Time Members or are current on their annual dues.
  2. You can select to release your email address to the current members when they search for you specifically or not to release any information.
    1. If you choose to release your email address the site will send you and the member-requesting-contact an email placing you in contact with each other.
    2. When you do not release your information, the site will generate an email to you notifying you that a member wishes to contact you that includes the member-requesting-contact’s email address without revealing your contact information to anyone.
    3. No further action will be taken by the association.